Word of the Day:August 27, 2022
noun /sen-suh-BIL-uh-tee/ [ˌsensəˈbɪləti]
What It Means
Sensibility refers to an awareness of and responsiveness toward something, such as another person's emotions. It can also refer to the ability to feel and understand emotions, or to acuteness of feeling.
Sensibility 是指对某事的意识和反应,例如另一个人的情绪。 它也可以指感觉和理解情绪的能力,或感觉的敏锐度。
"Developing recipes, like developing photos, requires a discerning sensibility and sophisticated taste, and Atakora possesses both in spades." — Arsh Raziuddin, Bon Appétit, 1 July 2022
“开发食谱,就像照相一样,需要敏锐的感觉和精致的品味,而 Atakora 绝对具备这两点。”
Did You Know?
The meanings of sensibility run the gamut from mere sensation to excessive sentimentality. In between is a capacity for delicate appreciation, a sense often pluralized. In Jane Austen's books, sensibility is mostly an admirable quality she attributes to, or finds lacking in, her characters: "He had …… a sensibility to what was amiable and lovely" (of Mr. Elliot in Persuasion). In Sense and Sensibility, however, Austen starts out by ascribing to Marianne sensibleness, on the one hand, but an "excess of sensibility" on the other: "Her sorrows, her joys, could have no moderation ... she was everything but prudent."
sensibility 是指从感觉到过度的感伤。 介于两者之间的是一种敏锐的观察力,通常是复数形式。 在简·奥斯汀的书中,sensibility 是她认为她的角色(或她发现她的角色缺少的)令人钦佩的品质:“他对和蔼可亲的东西有一种敏锐的感知力”(of Mr. Elliot in Persuasion)。 然而,在《理智与情感》中,奥斯汀一开始就将玛丽安的感性归咎于另一方面,即:“excess of sensibility「过度的感性」”:“她的悲伤,她的快乐,都没有节制……她除了谨慎以外其他都很好。”
Word Family Quiz
Unscramble the letters to create a verb derived from Latin sentire ("to feel") that means "to agree to or approve of something": EANSTS.